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About Maria

Protection for Rights and Interersts

About MariaProtection for Rights and Interersts

  • protection for rights and interersts
  • Privacy Policy
  • Medical dispute mediation & arbitration for foreign patients

Scope of this Agreement

This agreement applies to a) all claims by or on behalf of the Patient against the Doctor or any person who holds joint liability with the Doctor including and not limited to the Doctor's employees, and b) all claims by or on behalf of the Doctor against the Patient.

Terms and Conditions

1. General Provisions

1.1 The Doctor shall provide considerate and respectful care.

1.2 The Doctor shall provide the Patient with all relevant, current, and understandable information concerning diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.

1.3 The Doctor shall keep and respect the Patient's privacy and not disclose any information obtained through a professional relationship about the Patient except where required by law.

1.4 The Patient shall abide by all rules and policies provided by the Doctor in relation to the medical services rendered under this agreement.

1.5 The Patient shall inform the Doctor of any medical history, injury or other matters relevant to the medical services rendered under this agreement.

1.6 The Patient shall pay the fee for the medical services in accordance with the rules and regulations provided by the Doctor.

2. Jurisdiction; Etc.

2.1 The parties to this Agreement hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Korea in the event of any controversy or dispute which might arise between the Patient and the Doctor.

2.2 Notwithstanding Clause 2.1, the Doctor may file an action in any competent court to claim fees or damages.

2.3 Provided both parties sign ATTACHMENT, Notwithstanding Clause 2.1, any controversy or dispute which might arise between the Patient and the Doctor, out of (a) bad result(s) of diagnosis; treatment; illness management; prescription, preparation or compounding of (a) drug(s); or failure to give the obligatory explanation in relation to the medical care rendered shall be resolved by arbitration as provided by the National Commission on Settlement of Medical Disputes under ACT ON MALPRACTICE-RELATED DAMAGE RELIEF AND MEDICAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION of Korea.

3. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be interpreted and construed according to, and governed by, the laws of the Republic of Korea.

4. Certification on the side of the Patient

I hereby certify that I have read the above provisions and statements, and have been offered a copy of this agreement. I further certify that I am the Patient or duly authorized by the Patient to accept the terms of this agreement.