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About Maria

Protection for Rights and Interersts

About MariaProtection for Rights and Interersts

  • protection for rights and interersts
  • Privacy Policy
  • Medical dispute mediation & arbitration for foreign patients

1. Types of Collected Personal Information and Gathering Method

- Required Information: Name, ID, Resident Registration Number, Password, Address, Contact (Home/Cell), Email, Nick Name
- Optional Information: Maria Customer Yes or No
- Gathering Method: Homepage (Membership)

2. Purposes in Gathering and Use of Personal Information

The (Our) hospital will only use the collected personal information for the purpose of membership management and ask for a prior consent if the purpose of use is changed.

3. Period of Holding and Using Personal Information

The (Our) hospital will destroy your personal information immediately after the gathering or providing (provided) purpose of personal information is met.

- For Membership: when the member leaves or when the membership is deleted
- For Survey or Event: when the concerned survey or event ends
- For Medical Service: the information shall be stored in accordance with the medical record storage standards stated in the medical laws.
  However, even if the gathering or providing (provided) purpose is met, the hospital may keep your personal information if a necessity
  arises in accordance with regulations of commercial and other laws.

4. Procedure and Method of Destroying Personal Information

The (Our) hospital will destroy personal information immediately after 『Purposes in Gathering and Use of Personal Information』 is met. The followings are the procedure and method of destroying personal information.

The information for your membership destroyed after a certain period of time in accordance with the information protection regulations elucidated in the internal guidance and other relevant laws and regulations, once its purpose is met.

Personal information saved in the form of an electronic document is deleted by using technology to prevent regeneration of records. Personal information printed in paper is destroyed by shredding or incinerating.

5. Providing and Sharing Personal Information

The hospital, except for the case that your consent is obtained or that regulations of the relevant laws are directed, will not use your personal information or provide it to the third party, enterprise or organization under any circumstances, beyond the scope stated in the『Purposes in Gathering and Use of Personal Information』.

- Medical record will be submitted to claim medical care expenses to the Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service in accordance with
  the National Health Insurance Act.
- In the case that the information is provided for the purpose of obtaining statistics or conducting academic researches, It will be fabricated
  in a form that can not recognize a specific individual.
- Information will be submitted by the request of investigative agencies in accordance with the procedures and methods designated
  in the laws and regulations.

6. Treatment and Consignment of Collected Personal Information

The hospital will not consign your personal information to the third party without your consent. If a necessity arises in the future, the hospital will notify you of the consigning third party and the contents of consignment, and if necessary, will obtain your prior consent.

7. Revocation of Agreement / Membership Withdrawal

You can always revoke your agreement on colleting, using and providing personal information that you made at the time of membership subscription.
For membership withdrawal, click 『Membership Withdrawal』 in My Page after a personal identification procedure. Or you can contact the personal information manager by mail, phone or fax and we will immediately take a necessary action such as destroying your personal information.

8. Personal Information Manager

To protect your personal information and address complaints related to personal information, the hospital has the below personal information manager.

[Personal Information Manager]
Name: Choi, Gwang-young
Title: Director of Maria Hospital
Department: Customer Management
Phone: (02) 2250-5586
Email: webmaster@mariababy.com

You can report any complaints related to protection of personal information generated in the course of using our medical service to the personal information manager.
The hospital will give a prompt answer to all user reports. If you need to report other infringements of personal information or if you need a consultation, you may contact the below organizations:

Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee (http://www.1336.or.kr / 1336)
Information Protection Mark Certification Committee
(http://www.eprivacy.or.kr / (02) 580-0533~4)
Cyber Crime Investigation Squad at Supreme Prosecutors Office
(http://www.spo.go.kr / (02) 3480-3573)
Cyber Terror Response Center at National Police Agency
(http://www.ctrc.go.kr / (02) 392-0330)

9. Measures to Secure Personal Information Safety

As a technical countermeasure, the hospital has several protective devices for personal information. All information sent from the users is safely stored and managed in the security system protected by a firewall.
In addition, as a personal information protection measure, the hospital has prepared a necessary procedure to access and manage personal information; has limited the number of personnel authorized to access personal information; and has conducted a security training continuously. In addition, the hospital will assign a user password to the system user who processes personal information and renews the password regularly.

10. Obligation of Notice about Policy Changes

This personal information management guide was enacted as of April 1st of 2012. If the contents of the guide is added, deleted or changed followed by changes in laws and regulations, policy or security technology, a notice of reason for/contents of changes will be posted on the hospital’s homepage at least 7 days prior to practice the changed personal information management guide.

Notification Date: 2012.04.01 Execution Date: 2012.04.01