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Fertility Tip

Fertility ClinicFertility Tip

A couple is said to be infertile if they have been unable to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse.

Infertility is caused by disease of the reproductive system, which interferes with conception. About 10 to 15% of all married couples seem to be infertile. The inability to conceive children can be devastating for a couple, but with new treatment options, many infertile couples are able to have children and complete their family.

Fertility Tip
Hormone Cause abnormal values of prolactin, TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), FSH (follicular stimulating hormone), LH (luteinizing hormone)
Diagnosis blood sampling on 3rd menstrual day
Treatment blood sampling on 3rd menstrual day
Ovary Cause ovulatory problem due to polycystic ovaries, ovarian failure, excessive weight loss or obesity, stress, etc.
Diagnosis sequential ultrasonic examination
Treatment oral medication (Clomiphene) or hormonal injection
Fallopian tube Cause tubal obstuction due to scarring from pelvic inflammatory disease, or surgery
Diagnosis hysterosalpingography, diagnostic laparoscopy
Treatment IVF-ET, tuboplastic surgery
Uterus Cause uterine anomalies, myoma, intrauterine synechia
Diagnosis ultrasound, hysterosalpingography, diagnostic laparoscopy
Treatment surgery (hysteroscopic, laparoscopic, laparotomic)
Uterine cervix Cause surgery (hysteroscopic, laparoscopic, laparotomic)
Diagnosis CMT (cervical mucus test), PCT (post-coital test)
Treatment IUI (intrauterine insemination)
Peritoneum Cause endometriosis, pelvic adhesion due to pelvic inflammatory disease
Diagnosis diagnostic laparoscopy
Treatment IUI, IVF-ET, surgery
Unknown Cause no proven abnormality
Diagnosis exclusion criteria
Treatment IUI, IVF-ET
Male factor Cause low quantity or poor quality sperm
Diagnosis semen analysis
Treatment IUI, IVF-ET