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About Maria



‘Mind-Body Medicine’ is a part of complementary and alternative medicine(CAM) that makes up for conventional medicine. Mind-body medicine designate all the methods in which the mind is mobilized in the treatment of a physical disorder.

The fundamental concept and the starting point of mind-body medicine is 'mind-body connection'. Recently, we can collect more and more substantial evidences that the mental status of a person induces the hormonal change in the body. And the physical health can be influenced by this change, which becomes the theoretical background of mind-body connection.

Infertility is a special disease entity which accompanies mental anguish than any other major health problems. But very little progress has been made in treating the psychological side effects of infertility until now. The relief of stress of infertile patients can not only help to improve self-esteem but also increase the chance of conceiving in infertility treatments (such as IUI, IVF-ET).

In June 2008, Maria Fertility Hospital established 'Maria Mind-Body Center' for the purpose of managing the stress of infertile patients for the first time in Korea. Our Mind-Body programs include a wide range of specific and systematic treatment methods, including autogenic training (conjoined with music therapy), psychologic counselling, nutritional counselling, laughter therapy, healing yoga, couple massage, dance therapy, art therapy, and so on.

"You will be happy again. Life will become joyful again. And somehow, some way, if you want to become a parent, you will!"