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About Maria

Protection for Rights and Interersts

About MariaProtection for Rights and Interersts

  • protection for rights and interersts
  • Privacy Policy
  • Medical dispute mediation & arbitration for foreign patients

1. Patient's Rights

a. Right to receive healthcare services

Patients have a right to equally access to healthcare services without any discrimination as regards gender, age, religion, class, social status or any other such factor and medical personnel can not refuse treatments without a proper reason.

b. Right to receive a privacy protection

Patients have a right to be assured that personal information is confidential. Hospitals and healthcare providers can not reveal patients' privacy except in case of patients' consent or approval to the extent permitted by law such as criminal investigations.

c. Right to know and self-determination

Patients have a right to be given a clear description of medical conditions, treatment methods, potential side-effects and cost of healthcare and expected outcomes, and making decisions to participate in medical studies and to receive an organ transplant from doctors and nurses.

d. Right to request adjustments and consultations

Patients have a right to make a complaint about healthcare services provided through Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency if problems occur regarding any healthcare service

2. Patient’s Responsibilities

a. Responsible to respect healthcare provider

Patients have to provide healthcare providers with needed information about their medical histories and symptoms, and trust and respect for healthcare providers' treatment plans.

b. Responsible not to receive treatments in dishonest means

Patients have to identify themselves before getting treatments and patients are prohibited from receiving any healthcare service in a dishonest way, for example, borrowing another person's identification.