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About Maria


MariaNetworkMaria S

Maria S

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    Welcome to Maria S

    MARIA S was opened in April 2015 and focused on improving the quality of a laboratory(fertilization and culture team) and also facilities.Research team consists of highly skilled researchers who have worked at Seoul Maria and Mariaplus. Research Headquarters transferred to MARIA S from Seoul Maria.MARIA S stands for Special, Superior & Sangbong.. We operate not only existing infertility treatment (IUI and IVF) and various fertility testing but also special clinic for the repeated implantation failure patients. Also we intensively offer natural cycle IVF, IVM, mild stimulation which use less injections.

    Ask us

    TEL : +82 2 2218 7555
    FAX : +82 2 496 1969

    Office hours
    Office hours정보표
    Division Weekdays Saturdays
    A.M. 07:30 - 12:00 08:00 - 12:00
    P.M. 14:00 - 16:30
    lunch time 12:00 - 14:00
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